TALISMAN (2023-24)

Lessons of a Lifetime, Flashe on wood panel, 30”x80”

“From the head of the trail she could see nothing but a vast landscape, she couldn’t yet make out the small leaves and sharp spines of the desert scrub. Hidden too were the lessons of a lifetime and the talismans that would teach them to her.”




Lolly and the Talisman

“Lolly began her pilgrimage with the sunrise. Soon, she would meet her greatest teachers.”


Talisman | Artspace111 | June 6-July 13, 2024


Talisman is a series of paintings, small sculptures, and a children’s book called Lolly and the Talisman. Together, the work is a storybook collection illustrating how a string of pilgrimages led a young girl to learn from the landscape. The stories take place in desert paintings of West Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. Small clay sculptures of southwest-dwelling animals honor all of the amulets, trinkets, and talismans we as explorers feel compelled to collect on our adventures.

Sacred souvenirs have an ability to hold the magic of an experience and later serve as reminders of the lessons we learned during the journey. The desert and her inhabitants are incredible teachers if you take the time to know them. They demonstrate that tough paths can gift big rewards and you’ll always be pointed in the right direction if you listen to your landscape.